Chiang Mai Escorts
(Sex & Prices in 2024)

Chiang Mai escorts are expensive – they’re not expensive compared to the other areas of Thailand where prices are fairly similar wherever you go, but they are expensive compared to other costs in the city. Happily, there are other romantic opportunities.

There are tens of thousands of Thai girls searching for romantic adventures with western men online. You can easily find good-looking girls for casual sex and fun times, or someone suitable for something more serious with:

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This city is not Bangkok, it is much poorer and the prices asked by working-girls here are usually amongst the lowest that you’ll find anywhere in the country, but this only applies to freelance working-girls and bar-girls.

With bar-girls, you don’t get the discretion that Chiang Mai call-girls offer when you hook up with them but, if you are a single guy visiting Thailand on a brief holiday, there’s not so much reason to care about discretion.

The only other reason to consider Chiang Mai call girls for your adult entertainment is that the city is not regarded very highly for its stock of other good-looking working-girls. The bars are mostly populated by over-weight unattractive girls, and you’ll need to do some searching to find a really sexy girl (which can still be done), but call girls do tend to be much better looking on average.

Because of the extra expense that they come with, it is difficult to recommend call-girls to anyone who is on a tight budget... you can easily find much better value with the other types of Chiang Mai escorts if you take your time and search for the most attractive ladies.

Chiang Mai call girls are not even competitively priced with Bangkok or Pattaya, for comparisons on the fees that various types of Chiang Mai escorts charge, have a look at:

Bar girls are better value, but keep in mind that whilst any given bar may be devoid of stunners on any given night, that might not be the case on another night, so it pays to do due-diligence here...

Even though the bar girls working in the city, centered around Loi Kroh Road, are not regarded as being among the best looking girls, it is true that once you start to know the city a little you’ll discover that there are a lot of Thai style nightspots where you will find better looking Chiang Mai escorts who would be happy to entertain you.

The discos in the city are a good place to look for sexy girls.

If you intend to have a longer stay in the area, as many 'digital nomad' expats do, you'll find that meeting regular girls in public places is so easy that it makes P4P somewhat redundant.

That said, there may still be financial costs involved with seeing regular girls because many come from poor families with all sorts of problems for you to resolve…

Chiang Mai Nightlife

The Chiang Mai nightlife scene offers all the usual delights that you find in the other parts of Thailand where there is a sizable expat community i.e. lots of bars, girls, clubs, international food outlets and so on.

The local Chiang Mai girls are noticeably taller and fairer skinned than the other ladies that you'll meet in Thailand due to their ethnic Chinese origins. If that is a look that appeals to you, you should consider this popular city to be a place worth investigating.

Why bother with the bar girls and hardcore hookers when you can meet someone much better online? If you prefer a more slow paced and intimate way of meeting ladies for sex and romance, you might be interested in checking out:

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Along with Chiang Rai it is located in the mountainous north where the higher altitude means that the climate is significantly cooler than any other place that you'll read about on my site, and that’s good news if you dislike heat and humidity.

Temperatures are still very comfortable though, without the heat being too stifling.

With regard to finding a companion, you could try the traditional method of trying to score with a regular girl once you get there, but I know that most guys like to have something a bit more in the way of a arranged itinerary before heading off somewhere new.

As is often recommended on my site, online dating is the answer.

If it's a regular girl that you are intending to meet, Chiang Mai girls are amongst the best as they are more likely to have retained their traditional Thai values. You will need to understand those values though, so consider purchasing my Mega Book for guidance.

Chiang Mai barsA relaxed atmosphere at the popular ‘Cheers Pub’.

Chiang Mai Escorts Prices

As explained, finding sex in Chiang Mai is not difficult once you are there. But, if you want something arranged before you arrive then the dating sites are the way to go. They aren’t just good for meeting regular girls for serious romance, there are also plenty of Chiang Mai escorts there who just want to make some extra money. Most types of Chiang Mai escorts ask similar prices to those found in Pattaya.

Thai girl prices
Thai girl prices

As with Pattaya girls, the girls here are very sweet and most Chiang Mai escorts will provide the full ‘girlfriend experience’.

The girls tend to be a little less battle hardened, with fewer visible tattoos than the girls elsewhere, and you’ll find that they are a little quieter and more reserved in character. Thai culture frowns upon ladies who act in a loud and outgoing manner, and the close-knit community in the city ensures that the behavior of the ladies more closely conforms to the traditional calm and polite role model.

Modern technology is having a big impact on the bars in Thailand... the best girls have always been reluctant to work in bars for fear of being seen by someone from their hometowns, but there are lots of girls online at:

My Recommended Dating Site

There's an added reward for meeting someone who knows her way around town, and it’s not just about finding the best nightlife - Chiang Mai is absolutely beautiful if you go at the right time of year and the local ladies will happily accompany you to the best viewpoints.

Being located in a mountainous region means that there are some stunningly beautiful scenic locations to be found in and around the city.

My tip is to go over just after the rain season has finished, the end of November is usually a good choice. The colors will be at their most vibrant at that time and the rivers/waterfalls will be at their fullest.

Chiang Mai in general has more of a traditional feel to it than some areas of Thailand, but in other ways it is a modern cosmopolitan city. The big multinational corporations have invested quite heavily here, so don't be surprised to see all the usual western fast-food outlets and high-street brand names.

Contrasting the local McDonald’s, there are lots of temples, lots of monks, lots of Buddhist festivals... there are even some hill-tribes living nearby that are friendly towards tourists.

All in all, it’s a place that will appeal to a lot of westerners on some level. Some will prefer a brief visit, others would jump at the chance to settle there on a more permanent basis.

Chiang Mai Bar Girls

Whilst the city does have a popular bar area for tourists, known as Loi Kroh Road, it is small in comparison to the big nightlife destinations in Bangkok, Pattaya and Phuket.

The prices that you’ll pay are low, among the lowest anywhere, but the beauty of the girls in the bars on Loi Kroh Road is not considered to be of a high standard; butt-ugly is a popular description for some of the ladies that you’ll find working there.

The Chiang Mai call girls are the only paid option where beauty comes as standard in the area.

There are exceptions of course, but the best looking Chiang Mai escorts tend not to stay in the industry for long. That's because some poor fellow will usually take an early leap of faith and try to make an honest girlfriend out of her. Chiang Mai escorts are no different to sex workers from any other place as regards their suitability for long-term romance.

Happily, whilst the nightlife options that you are first presented with are small, there is much more to the city than first meets the eye. Most visitors never realize that the best of the nightlife is strewn out all across the city.

Much of it is Thai-style, which gives a new experience, but there’s no way that you’ll discover it all by yourself if you are on a short, first-time visit.

That makes meeting up with some Chiang Mai escorts all the more important since they’ll be able to show you around. Bar girls are fine for this purpose, but I'd still avoid their services if you eventually want to end up with a regular girl, because you'll need to avoid the stigma that comes with being seen in the company of a hooker. Thais take a dim view of this, as you'd expect.

Don't go thinking that regular Chiang Mai girls will give you a pass, and turn a blind eye to your behaviour if you are a known whore-monger, and don't doubt that you'll soon be labelled as such if you mingle with the wrong company!

The Night Market

Aside form Loi Kroh Road, there's another popular collection of bars can be found near to the Night Market just inside the old city walls. These tend to be regular watering holes without any hookers, but they will still appeal to you since they are very close to Loi Kroh Road.

Be careful with some of the Karaoke bars in the Night Market area, I’ve heard stories about girls who will sit with you and quickly run up some expensive bar bills on your tab if you don’t stop them.

Chiang Mai baht busA local baht bus, you can meet girls on these trucks...

Chiang Mai Sex - Happy Ending Massage Options

Massage fans will be happy to know that the city is well stocked with naughty parlors and that yes, a happy ending massage in Chiang Mai is available in lots of them. Don’t assume that every parlor provides sex for money though, because there are actually a large number of professional parlors where you will not be able to get any off-the-menu extras.

The massage shops near to Loi Kroh Road will most likely have the happy endings that you are looking for. Your best bet for finding the really good stuff i.e. the Thai soapy massage, is to have a look for the ‘Celebrities Shower Massage’, which is located just around the corner from Loi Kroh Road. The nearby Sayuri Complex is another popular option.

I’ve written extensively about the joys of these services, and if you are interested to know more then don’t miss my report (and true stories) about the Thai Happy Ending Massage.

As mentioned, Chiang Mai does have some facilities available but, as you might expect, Bangkok and Pattaya are the best places to indulge yourself…

Chiang Mai Escort Supply & Demand

A big proportion of the western visitors who travel to Chiang Mai are either couples, families visiting for the scenery and the temples, or expats who are staying there for the extremely low cost of living. The implication is that the demand for Chiang Mai escorts is low because most people either don’t want them or can’t afford their fees.

Most of the long-term visitors who stay here are on doing so on a tight budget.

This city is probably the most popular destination for those expats who manage to scrape together a sufficient income from their online businesses and web services, so these guys like to stretch a baht, and most of them could not afford to use the services of Chiang Mai escorts with any regularity.

If you want to date a sexy, younger Thai lady that you can put your trust in, don't go looking for her at a bar. Thai bar girls can be lovely, but they're not great at loyalty... online dating is much safer, so check:

My Recommended Dating Site

Many expats report that it is extremely easy to meet local women in shops, or on the streets, or on buses, and so on. If you just want to arrange some casual relationships with regular girls then it really is not at all difficult to do so.

There are a lot of Chiang Mai girls who just want to have a little adventure in their otherwise dull lives, and secretly having a casual ‘farang’ friend often fits the bill perfectly.

If you are unconvinced by this, or if it doesn’t suit your style, there are a few escort agencies that can provide call girls so long as you don't mind the expense. It really is a surprise that the rates asked are not lower since the demand for Chiang Mai call girls is so low, and it’s not as if local wage rates for alternative regular jobs are high – they are actually among the lowest in Thailand!

From an economics viewpoint it can only mean that the supply of local girls who are willing to work as Chiang Mai escorts is just as low as the demand from local customers.

If that’s the case then it’s unclear why that should be. Then again, simple supply and demand calculations have long resulted in anomalies when it comes to Thai girls, and I see no reason why Chiang Mai sex services should escape the peculiarities of the Thai approach to life!

Chiang Mai Escorts, final thoughts

If you decide that you would like to arrange some company with a local call-girl, then a quick web search will uncover all the agencies that have local ladies on their books. These ladies will tend to be trustworthy as they have a reputation to protect, but you might want to protect your own reputation by using a short-time hotel rather than your condo.

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Privacy may be of no concern for some guys, but for others a little discretion is worth the extra expense. There are plenty of suitable rooms for hire in the city, and if you don’t know of one personally, then most if not all Chiang Mai escorts will be able to suggest somewhere acceptable.

Safety levels are generally higher with those escorts who can be traced if a problem arises, meaning that extra caution is advisable with street-girls in particular.

As I’ve written elsewhere, if you are staying in Thailand on business then you should take extra precautions to protect your reputation, because you’ll lose face and business associates if you are uncovered to be a sex tourist.

As far as general nightlife entertainment is concerned, this is not the best destination in Thailand for the sort of short-term fun that visitors enjoy in the big tourist orientated places. There are still many attractions though, and for people visiting on long-term visas there are various reports that, once you get to know the city, good times with the local ladies are widely available.

However, these good times are not usually had with Chiang Mai escorts, because getting a local girlfriend seems to be the preferred approach of most of the western guys living here long-term.

This lovely petite young lady, 28 years old and only 47kg, is looking for a western man to be her boyfriend. If you would like to meet up with girls just as lovely, you can with

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